2022 Wargaming Retrospective

Well, the year has come and gone, so here's a look back at my year in wargaming.

This year, I made the jump to a new game system - Sharp Practice 2 - set in a new time period - the French and Indian War - which made for a lot of fun games and really entertaining miniatures to paint. I thoroughly enjoyed my dive into the black powder period.

In the last month of the year, I also made the fateful jump into collecting Warhammer 40K. I've played two games so far and have enjoyed it, but it's an interesting adjustment. Expect some posts about my 40K ventures in 2023, but I plan to keep the blog's focus on historical wargaming.

Now, some numbers:

2022 Models Acquired:

- Figures: 251

95x FIW

84x WWII

67x 40K

5x fantasy

- Support Weapons*: 1

- Vehicles: 3

- Buildings: 0

- Scatter Terrain**: 0

- Markers/Tokens: 19

2022 Models Painted:

- Figures: 110

33x FIW Native Americans

30x FIW French line infantry

22x FIW French compagnie franches de la marine

9x FIW Rangers

8x FIW Canadian militia

6x FIW American colonists

2x FIW Jesuit missionaries

- Support Weapons: 0

- Vehicles: 0

- Buildings: 4

4x FIW cabins

- Scatter Terrain: 17

6 feet of snake fences

3x canoes

2x ponds

Cooking pot and roasting spit

- Markers/Tokens: 25

16x Sharp Practice leader bases

6x wound markers

3x movement trays

* Artillery, tripod machine guns, etc. Anything not handheld.

** Entrenchments, tree bases, rubble patches, etc.

I made an honest effort to paint more models than I acquired, which I accomplished last year, but I fell short. Part of that is because around August, my main wargaming opponent left the country to join the Peace Corps for two years. I had been feverishly painting FIW models for our campaign, and I just lost all motivation to paint. I needed to take a break and deal with work and other things in my life.

Speaking of that campaign - I do plan to start uploading those games this year, so you can see the adventure we had. I'm not sure yet how frequently they'll be posted, but expect at least two of those battle reports a month.

I have a couple other fun plans in 2023, including a return to WWII painting and gaming. You'll have to stick around to see what I've got coming down the pipe.


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