More French Marines for 28mm French and Indian War Wargaming

This week, I put the finishing touches on some more French compagnies franches de la marine, this time from Brigade Games, and finished up another Huron leader, also from Brigade Games.

I wanted to add some variation to my French marine forces and include more troops that were in their issued uniform, not just frontiersman attire like most of the Conquest/Warlord Games figures are.

These are from two packs of Brigade Games' French marines. I think these have been my favorite Brigade figures to paint so far. The Brigade rangers I did were well sculpted, but there was something about these figures that made getting good detail and shading almost effortless.

Most are in the blue uniform coats, but there are a couple in the capote coats that give them more of a woodsman look. Here I've chosen to go with earthy colors, though I have read it was not uncommon to make these coats out of their issued uniforms.

I painted up two officers or sergeants from the command pack because I'm in need of leader characters for our ongoing FIW campaign. These are really only distinguished by their gorgets, so could easily stand in as enlisted.

The Huron leader is also from Brigade. I usually don't go for anything super gory, but the pose and ominous aura really drew me to him. I added a plastic musket from the Warlord plastic natives to his back so he's armed with more than just a knife, which I see as a minor oversight on Brigade's behalf. That's the closest thing to a complaint I can manage with this figure.

Some of the figures have had their bayonets removed. Largely this is for storage considerations, as they make the weapons very long, but it's also because I mostly use my marines as ranged skirmishers in game, so they don't need their bayonets so much. They prefer the tomahawk.

Also, I find the Brigade Games bayonet sculpts a little uninspiring. I think they were sculpted with sturdiness in mind so they don't break off, but they look a bit fat.



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