Compagnie franches de la marine for FIW - Batch 2

I had a bit of a break this last weekend for a camping trip (and my birthday), and when I returned to what passes for civilization these days I finished off this second batch of French marine infantry. This forms another skirmish group of six men plus a leader for Sharp Practice.

These are from Warlord's boxed set of French marine infantry, sculpted by Conquest. I'm still enjoying this set, and although there are some duplicate poses, they have been altered slightly so that they don't stick out too badly.

I tried to coax out the blue hues on their clothing here, compared to the last batch where I was a little more reserved, and I like the effect. It's bright and distinctive while still keeping some deep shadows.

I threw in a red-head in this unit, just for variety mostly. Maybe he's an Irish Huguenot.

As I've mentioned before, these Conquest figures, both Europeans and Native Americans, have a lot of great detail and are pretty easy to paint and come up with a detailed result.

Most of them are in shirt sleeves or otherwise stripped down from their issued uniform. I tried to unify the group a little with the caps and some blue and white coats here and there so they wouldn't look quite as scruffy. I think their irregular and personalized look fits their role in the game: hardened woods fighters trained in light infantry tactics who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.

That said, I think I am going to pick up a handful of marine infantry dressed in their more standard blue working uniform, just to give me the option of a more professional looking force. These will probably come from Brigade Games' line.

Leading this unit is Ensign Marius Dujardin, a Frenchman who found his way into the colonial infantry after a series of unfortunate events left him a persona non grata in the eyes of the French crown. He's got no burning desire to die for that same monarch, and so is less motivated to stick his neck out than the ambitious Capitaine Grenier or the scrappy and reckless Sergeant "Ironskull" Vidal.

He's no slouch in woods fighting, however, and can spring an ambush with the best of them. He makes an able right hand man to the young capitaine, and gets on sociably with their Huron and other native allies, admiring their lifestyle, which he idealizes as far more egalitarian than his homeland's.

Although only a dozen men and three leaders, all together these French roughnecks make a formidable force, especially when backed up by native allies even more skilled in woods combat.

I have a few more of these Conquest marines hanging around, but I'm not sure exactly what will find paint next. I have a big group of French regular infantry to batch paint, but also some odds and ends to finish off. Until next time.


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