Winter Soviets Batch 2

 Another batch of winter Soviets this week, much smaller. Got a NKVD commissar type, a PTRD anti-tank rifle team, and a Maxim MMG.

Maxim is Warlord's metal kit, the others are Warlord plastic Soviets.

Also mucking around with the photo setup and lighting.

I wanted to add some variety to the brown greatcoats I've done my Soviets in, so I gave this officer type a fancy private purchase coat. I've hear these called 'tulep bekesha' but I don't really know what that means. Essentially they were an animal skin shearling coat.

The fur color seems to vary a little, especially on the cuffs, but I just gave this guy white fur. I stippled some Tamiya modeling putty onto the plastic to give it the slightly wooly texture, which I think worked surprisingly well for a last-minute idea.

This won't surprise any wargamers out there, but I have a couple projects halfway finished this week that I just need to buckle down and finish off. So it's possible you'll see some of those next week, or maybe even tomorrow if I get my act together.


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