Totensonntag - CoC VL5 Battle Report

Last Saturday was Virtual Lard 5 - the Too Fat Lardies community's answer to pandemic gaming restrictions. I played in VL4 back in January and was lucky enough to join a game of CoC hosted by Marc Renouf, who wrote a Pint-Sized Campaign set during Operation Crusader. The game was played through Zoom, so my ability to get photos was somewhat limited, and I have used some taken by Marc to supplement. We had multiple cameras set up and it was surprisingly natural to see the table, so major kudos to Marc for his stellar hosting. This scenario takes us to Libya on Sunday, 23 November, 1941, during Operation Crusader. The Germans of 15. Panzer-Division are fresh off the victory of sacking the British 4th Armored Brigade's headquarters the day before and are wheeling south to join up with Italian armored forces, smash the remaining British forces in the Sidi Rezegh area, and bring Operation Crusader to a grinding halt. On the morning of 23 November - a German protestant holiday call...