
Showing posts from January, 2024

Breaking the Line: Eastern Front Chain of Command in 28mm

For our first game of 2024, Jesse and I returned to Chain of Command, which is probably our most-played ruleset. However, I wanted to introduce a bit of a twist by pitting him as the Germans against the Soviet fortified region machinegun platoon list. It pits a small but well-armed and dug-in Soviet force against a well-trained and well-supported German one. We set our game sometime in July 1942 on the southern Russian front during Case Blue. Jesse took command of a rifle platoon from Fremery's 29th Motorized Division, while I had the Soviet defenders. In reality, the Soviets defending the approaches to the Caucasus oilfields crumbled reliably under the German advance, but we'll see how our match-up goes.

2023 Wargaming Retrospective

  2023 has been an interesting year for my hobbying. For starters, for most of the year I've had practically no other gamers to play historical wargames with, which contributed greatly to my decision to make the leap into Warhammer 40K. That's been a bit of an adjustment on all fronts, and something I'll touch on more later. This year has also brought a lot of distractions in the form of work and other life events, and I've struggled a lot with burnout, particularly when it comes to getting models off the painting table. The above photo, by the way, was taken during a recent game in which Jesse's Chinese faced off against my Soviet horde in a game set in 1937 in Xinjiang. Speaking of the painting table, why don't we take a look at the numbers this year? I always intend to paint more models than I buy, but so far that's only happened in 2021, when the ongoing pandemic and my lack of a job for part of the year gave me plenty of time to paint. On the bright sid...