Virtual Lard 7: Last Stand at Fabrika Bezdel'nikov

After taking a bit of a self-enforced break from wargaming at the end of August, I was fortunate enough to snag two games at Virtual Lard 7, hosted by the Too Fat Lardies (makers of Chain of Command, Sharp Practice, etc) community. This is the first of those, a Chain of Command game set on the eastern front during the late summer of 1941. As I've discussed previously on this blog, these games, hosted virtually through various video-conferencing apps, were the community's answer to the pandemic. For me, though, they've given me a great chance to play games with members of the Lardy community in the UK and elsewhere that I never would have gotten otherwise. In this scenario, the Germans are tasked with advancing quickly across the steppe (shown above on right) and reducing a pocket of Soviet stragglers held up in the factory complex. To accomplish this, they'll have a three-squad infantry platoon with its light mortar team, plus a tripod-mounted MG-34 medium machine gun, ...