Soul Savers - Jesuit Missionaries for 28mm FIW Wargaming

I've wanted to add some unarmed civilians and other characters to add some flavor to our Sharp Practice games in the French and Indian War, and decided the best way to start would be with these Jesuit missionaries from Warlord Games. They'll also do nicely as a Holy Man support option for SP games, either for the Frenchmen or the so-called "praying indians" they've worked so hard to convert. I think these figures are fun and add a nice touch. They're not hard to paint up, although getting a good black with depth and shadows can be a little difficult. That being said, there's not a whole lot else to paint once you get that down. I added a little variation by changing the colors of their books. Hopefully this party of Huron will find their message - or at least their offer of a hot meal - convincing, otherwise these padres may end up as martyrs. I have a bigger batch of figures that's just about done, but I wasn't going to have time to finish them to...