Attack of Franken-tank!


It's been a busy week here (and productive, I swear!) but I'm left with a pile of half-finished products and longer battle reports to write up. And here I am, out of time to get in a post this week.

So I hope you'll accept some photos of a game from back in December, pitting Germans against Soviets (on this blog? are you shocked??). It was a bit embarrassing for me, fending off the German attacks and losing the game when I attempted a counter-charge that went totally awry.

Full disclosure, this is an excuse to show off my friend's bizarre little tank - a French R35 hull mated with a Soviet T-26 turret seen in Axis service in one photo. It's a 3D-printed model here, and actually the paint has since been touched up a bit, so that the different colors covered over with German grey is more apparent.

But, on with the photos:

Soviets dug in near the T-junction

Germans are bringing firepower to dig them out

Germans deploy in force on one side, but a Soviet reaction makes them rethink their plan

The tiny terror arrives

A German squad made a daring dash down the road. In this scenario, they can win by exiting the enemy table edge.

Tank tries to support them, putting fire on the entrenched Russians

But they're way way overextended and don't get the movement rolls they need. They are cut down and broken.

Undeterred, the German plan shifts again, to the other flank

A Soviet anti-tank rifle starts a duel with the little hybrid

"Men, look at the size of that sow!"

Soviets try to push the abandoned German flank with two squads under the Senior Leader

The German franken-tank (or is it Franken-tank's monster?) is repelled by several rounds from the AT rifle

Horde of Soviets on the move

But this is as close as they get to a glorious charge

The AT rifle is now losing this duel and pinned

The ambitious Senior Leader is stunned before he can order the charge in, and the squads are rapidly pinned after this in a close-range gun battle with a German squad who have brought extra submachine guns

So the franken-tank wins the day!

Hope you enjoyed, expect some terrain soon for the new semi-secret project, and probably some new painted figures not long after.


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