Soviet Worker's Houses

Hoping to add some depth and variety to my Eastern Front terrain, I just finished up these two worker's housing buildings. These are directly stolen heavily inspired by the guys over at Kriget Kommer. They were trying to replicate miner's housing at Stalino, but I think these will work just fine in many Soviet settings, and perhaps even in some rural areas of Germany or France, at a stretch.

Aside from some weathering detail, these two are identical - foamcore board on MDF/hardboard base, plastered in wall filler/spackle, roof and details made from balsa, craft sticks, and coffee stirrers.

They of course have playable interiors and removable roofs.

"A spacious and luxurious interior, large enough for a full squad, at least! Lease now, comrade!"
Didn't have the time or energy for a full scenery setup to showcase these properly, but hopefully they'll get on the tabletop sooner rather than later.


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