Winter Soviet Platoon

 Hey all. I started a new job recently, so I haven't had much time to paint, play, or post lately. However, I carved out some time over the past few days to finish off my platoon of winter Soviet infantry. These figures are all Warlord plastic models, with some light kitbashing and a few metal pieces from the Siberian Veterans box, I think. I got most of them secondhand unpainted.

At least... until I decide to add the 4th squad for early war structures... or make an SMG platoon... crap.

These guys are set up for Chain of Command, with three squads of eight riflemen, a two-man LMG team, and a junior leader with an SMG, all led by a leytenant senior leader. I have a few spare figures you've seen in previous posts - a couple SMG gunners, a spare junior leader, a spare senior leader, an extra SVT-40, and a sniper.


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